Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Luck of the Irish?

Tis St. Paddy's day. It's been a busy few days preparing to take a couple of days off with family. It's "sproing" break. Of significance on the Grow! side of things is completion of the first chapter of "Grow! - the eCourse" and staging of a new email campaign via Aweber to handle subscriptions and sending out the eCourse - automatically. I love that service. and blogger too. We are lucky and blessed to have such tools at our disposal.

To learn how you can use these or others, check out "Grow! - the eCourse" by signing up at TTXW You don't even have to be Irish!

All though you'll feel more lucky if you are. and yes, I'm at least 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Scot. We're not 100% sure about the Stalcup line. The story is Swedish