Friday, May 1, 2009

The Simple Secret to Growth and Tools to Achieve It

Camp YawgoogImage via Wikipedia

Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Grow! - The eCourse...

"There is a secret to addressing growth. One which, if you know it and use it, will keep you focused on the right activities. It will lead to thinking that drives the results you want. The secret is actually pretty simple. But first another question...who drives the results you want for any given metric? They do. Who are they? “They” - your audience - are Customers. Constituents. Community. Students. Vendors. Owners. Employees. Faculty. Board. Shareholders. Or someone else.

One thing is certain.

They are someone. People.

So here is the secret: To grow, you have to build relationships with people.

You probably knew that. You may have been doing it for years and may be very good at it. However, have you noticed something? The times are changing. Always have been, yet the rate of change is increasing. You will be glad to know, there are really only 3 things between you and all the growth you can handle."

In Grow - the eCourse, we'll walk through the tools to address the things in your way and fuel a growth engine. It's free. So check it out.

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